Saturday, January 04, 2014

Sledding and Singing!

Well we got some snow and everyone was so excited to get out and play in it (little did we know how much more was to come!).  So we got everyone all bundled up and headed out.

It was time for sledding!  Now I can't sled at the moment, but I was there to take some pictures.  The girls were a bit nervous at first and only wanted to go down with Paul.

Ben jumped right in though and took off!

Look at that smile...pure enjoyment!

It took Abbey a bit before she would even go with Paul, but eventually she got into it!

Although the girls wouldn't sled by themselves on this trip, they did decide to go down by themselves without the sleds.

And Ben tried to snow board with a sled.  It was a lot of fun and we came home and made hot chocolate.  Now since then we have gotten a record amount of snow and Paul has taken them several times.  They are into it now and will all go by themselves or with each other without much help from Paul, which is nice too.

Seeing as this was the last week of school before Christmas break, that meant class parties and class concerts!  First up was Juliette and she did awesome in her concert!  They have such cute songs they sing!

Then came the big Christmas Kindergarten Concert, which is held in the Church and is a big deal!  Abbey did awesome!  Her teacher told me that she is so good at knowing all the songs and the motions that she put her in the middle of the kids so others could watch her and follow along - nice job Abs!

 After the kindergarten concert there is a reception with food and drinks.

Next up was the all school concert, which Abbey got to participate in as well as Ben!   Ben got to sing three times...once with second grade, once with the school chorus...
  And once with their 8th grade prayer buddies.  Ben told me that since it was such a big year for both second graders (because of first communion) and 8th graders (because of graduation) they got to sing the closing song (Silent Night)!  They did a fabulous job and Ben really likes his prayer buddy!
  And there was even a surprise guest...Daddy was able to make it to the concert!!!
A job well done by all my amazing singers!  I do have video of all of these concerts, but thought it might be a bit much to post here.  Although if you are interested, I believe they are all up on Paul's video page (see Pablitorun Videos link on the right side of this web page).  And that concluded our week and kicked us off into Christmas break!!!

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