Friday, June 29, 2007
Happy Annivesary to Us!
Five looooonng years....... :)
also best wishes to all the other family and friends whose annivesaries are around this time.
Monday, June 18, 2007
That was incorrect. Apparently they all went to the zoo.
They were pretty gross, and they were terrible fliers. They kept running into KatrinaRun, which as you can imagine was not well received.
Father's Day at the Zoo
First we saw a dog.
Then we saw a really nice dog.
Then there was a REALLY LARGE dog..
And a dog that went moo.
Pool Day
Ben really liked the trough. He was a little scared of the fountains, but they were still all right in his book.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
We were in Jacksonville for our 10 year high school reunion. Unfortunately we didn't take too many pictures. Here are just two :(

Weekend in Jacksonville
We explored the beach.
We played the piano with Patch.
We rocked in our chairs.
We rested with Patch.

So, many of you have heard me talk about prosper ad nauseum. I have refrained (until now) from putting it on the blog. What changed? Well they are offering some pretty sweet referral fees if you sign up a lender. ($25 for you, $25 for me once you make your first loan of as little as $50.)
What is prosper? Call or email me and I will talk to you forever about it. (Maybe its my Economics minor, but I think it is really cool) Essentially, its a EBay for loans. Click through on the picture to learn more.
Unfortunately, if you want to borrow money, you don't get a bonus, but I would be happy to share mine with you 50/50. :) (I get .5% of the loan value as a bonus.)
For detailed performance information visit
BTW, I have put my money where my mouth is. You can check on the status and performance of my loan portfolio here. I actually think this is going to be a much more significant source of financing in the future.
Also, if you do sign up please let me know.