Well, we have had our first experience with a blizzard now! It was actually really amazing to watch and experience (especially given the fact that our power did not go off and we had nowhere to go so we could just sit and enjoy it). We heard "thunder snow" and saw "snow lightning", which was pretty cool. And we accumulated more snow than I have ever seen - probably a little above 2 feet in total (on top of some snow that was already there). Here is Abbey making her way down the driveway - luckily with the wind drifts we had a nice little path next to the cars already made for us!

As a reference point, here is Juliette next to the snow...

Ben and Abbey (with Daddy's help) made a huge snow slide off the end of our driveway.

Which then turned into our very own sledding hill.

For some perspective, this was our backyard before we went to sleep last night...
When we woke up this morning, this was the view out our front window - snow up to about half of our neighbor's door and still coming down pretty hard...
This was our backyard when we woke up...snow up to the bottom of the seats!
This is our backyard now that the blizzard has ended and sun has come out...Check out the drifts by the trees and snow now well into the seats...

Look at our garden!

A view of our street...

That was quite a storm!
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