Friday, January 29, 2010

Juliette is 5 months!

Juliette is 5 months now! She went to the doctor this week and did great there. She is very smiley at the doctor and nurses, unlike her sister! She weighed in at 13 pounds, 14 ounces and was 23 5/8 inches long, which put her in the 25th percentile for both. She has been through rice cereal, oatmeal and barley now, so we will start her on some veggies this week. She isn't taking too much cereal, but I think it will only get better as she eats more often and gets some tastier food. She can sit hunched over, as long as we are there for when she leans too far. But she does enjoy sitting in her toy below and playing with the different toys. She loves watching her brother and sister and Chien too - she doesn't seem to mind his licking (despite our yelling at Chien to stop, he can't seem to resist). She still sucks her thumb and mostly sleeps on her side. She is doing great and I can't believe she has grown so much and isn't our little newborn anymore!

As a side note, Juliette started daycare about 2 weeks ago when I had to return to work. She is doing pretty well there - not napping too well but that is to be expected at first. She seems happy and enjoys playing with the new people.
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