Once we got some breakfast, everyone was in a better mood and ready to get back to opening presents. Before getting to presents though, Juliette gives Aunt Ginny hugs...

And she is thinking about giving her a kiss too...

Abbey got a doll house for Christmas and luckily, Nana and Grand-Patch were on hand to help set it up for her!

Juliette asked for a baby doll for Christmas and here she is opening that gift from Santa...

This is my favorite picture taken from the new camera so far...

My grandmother gave me a locket that was hers (and used to be her mother's) that I have always loved and played with as a little girl. I couldn't be more excited to receive such a meaningful gift. That makes two very special necklaces I have received lately as last Christmas, my other grandmother gave me a beautiful golden cross necklace that she has had since she was 15 years old. I feel so very honored to receive both of these and I cherish them dearly. Here is Grandma helping me to put the locket on.
Thank you so much Grandma - I love it!
Abbey got a set of play hair stuff. Here is Aunt Ginny trying to show Abbey what to do with the curling iron...
Ben got a book from Madgie called "The Tickle Monster" that came with tickle hands. Here he is using them on Madgie!

Ben asked for one main thing this Christmas...he wanted a real Buzz Lightyear like the one in the movie that says stuff, pops its wings out, shoots lasers, and comes in the space ship box. Here is Ben's excited face when he opens this gift from Santa...

He didn't put Buzz down for at least 3 straight days...

Abbey playing with her pretend make-up...

Juliette seems happy with her gifts...

Here she is showing off her new slippers...

I would say everyone was pleased with their gifts...good job Santa :)

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