Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Just to update you, we had a pretty good Day #5 of spring break too. We went on another play date in the morning (no pictures) with my moms group and had a relaxing afternoon before Daddy came home. Usually, assuming everyone has had a good week, we have family movie nights on Friday nights. This week we watched Toy Story 3 and Daddy came home right at the end of the movie. The kids were super excited to see him and pretty much clung to him all weekend, especially Ben. Paul took it all really well though and made sure to spend lots of time with each child over the weekend (which also gave me a nice break). While Daddy was gone, he sent us a little surprise! We had such cold weather (temps in the 20's and 30's) so he said he wanted to send us a little sign of spring (tulips are also my favorite flower)!

They smell so good!

We actually had a really great week and I was so pleased with how well behaved the kids were while Daddy was gone.

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