Is this an episode of extreme hoarders?? Here is the foyer...
Looking up the entry steps into the family room...
The kitchen...
The eating area...
Our family room...
Don't worry - we haven't turned into hoarders despite the above pictures...the good news is we are getting new carpet tomorrow in our basement and office area, so we had to, once again, move all of our stuff into a different room (this seems to be the theme of this summer for us). This has been a major pain, but each time we move all of our stuff I tend to throw out a little bit more, so I guess that is a good thing. Here is our empty office area...
And our basement...Paul actually tore up all the carpet in here because he wanted to see if there was any water damage underneath the carpet pad (there wasn't thankfully) and fully bleach the concrete before new carpet was put down. Here is our old flooring before we remodeled the basement...
Ben has been a very big help during this whole process. He helped Paul pull up carpet, get up nails, and mop everything up. He even got up Sunday morning and made us all breakfast. That's right, we were upstairs with Abbey and suddenly realized that we hadn't heard from Ben in a while. Since this is normally not a good sign, Paul ran down to see what he was up to. Turns out he had made everyone waffles, put them on plates at each of our spots, and made Paul a cup of coffee! It was so sweet and he was so proud of himself! This definitely makes up for some of his behavior this past week (pouring shampoo down the toilet to see the bubbles for example)! Ah, it's fun in this house sometimes :)
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