Thursday, August 19, 2010

Juliette turns 1!

Juliette turned 1 today - wow how time passes so quickly these days! It's so hard to believe that our little baby is already a year old! To celebrate, we had Uncle Phil, Aunt Sandy, Joey and Jillian over for dinner and cake. I made one of Juliette's favorites for dinner - spaghetti with homemade sauce using tomatoes from our garden. Then it was time for cake!

Abbey and Joey had a blast pushing the stroller around the house as fast as they could together. They were laughing hysterically the entire time. If they ever get married, this is the perfect picture!
As is tradition, Juliette got her own comfy chair for her first birthday. She really likes crawling into it!
And she got her very own rocking chair from Madgie and Patch. Here is Ben showing her how to rock in it.

More celebrations to come, but Happy Birthday JuJu!
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