Sunday, July 29, 2012

Family Birthday Celebration

I usually like to spend the kids' actual birthdays just celebrating as a family and doing something fun that they choose, but because I was able to get a good deal on a party if we had it on her birthday, we had her party on her actual birthday. So, we decided to spend the next day celebrating with our family day. Abbey decided she wanted to go to Make A Messterpiece, one of our favorite places (that we conveniently have a membership to)! We got there a little early, so I used that time to try to get a good picture of the 3 amigos...

Abbey doing the bubble art - always a favorite!

Juju is quite the painter!
The kids eager to prove they know the answer at the Experimentation Station...

This was a really neat experiment.  They put whole milk in a bowl and then dropped a few different colors in the bowl using food dye.  Then they put dish soap on a q-tip and gently touched the q-tip to the colors, causing them to swirl and mix.  It was pretty neat.

Juliette adding the food coloring with the dropper.

Very cool!

The kids waiting for the kitchen demonstration to start.  This was also neat.  They took cream, put it in a bottle, and shook it until it sounded solid, which made whipping cream.  Then they shook it some more until it sounded a little less solid, and that made butter!  We got to take home butter and crackers - it tasted pretty good actually (except it was unsalted).  But it was an interesting kitchen experiment!
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