Tuesday, October 04, 2011

First Haircut!!

Well, I finally decided it was time to get Juliette's first haircut. Her hair is beautiful (if I do say so myself) and comes down so nicely around her face in a little bob, but the back was getting long and would partially curl up, so I decided to take her in and get it all one length in a cute little bob. Ben also needed a haircut, as he does almost every 4-5 weeks, so it seemed like the perfect time. We go to a kids haircut place that the kids absolutely love. Juliette has been many times to see Ben and Abbey get their haircut, so she wasn't the least bit worried. Before we left though, I needed to get some good pictures of her hair before the big appointment...

Here is a good shot of the back - long and partially curled up...

But very cute from the front...

She got up into the car without a problem and quickly picked out a Dora DVD to watch while getting her hair cut.

She is clearly happy with what is going on...

She just looks so old in this picture :(

Cutie pie - almost done!

Ta Da! The nice lady put a braid in her hair and gave her a little clip. As you can tell, it doesn't look too different from the front, which was what I wanted...

I tried to get pictures of the back, but the only time I could easily do this was while she was eating lunch, so please excuse her messy face as we had meatball sandwhiches today for lunch!

Much shorter in the back, but even with the front. I was happy with it!

Goofy girl!

With all the pictures being taken, Ben and Abbey wanted in on some of the camera action too. So, here is Ben with his new haircut...very handsome!

And turns out that Abbey was the only member of the family who did not get a hair cut today - not that she didn't want to, but I didn't feel she needed it. But I am posting this picture as a follow-up to an earlier discussion about Abbey when she was bit by a dog. Lots of people have asked how it is healing, and I thought this picture showed it pretty well. She is healing great - you can just barely see the cut under her left eye and the cut just to the left of her mouth. She got her stitches out about 5 days after she had them put it and it was very traumatic for her. I am not sure where all her calm went from when she got them put in, but it was awful getting them out - she was terrified and I had to hold her down. It didn't hurt at all, but she was just so scared. But, that is over now, thank goodness. We are putting Maderma (a scar reducing cream) on both cuts three times a day and she does very well with that. I made up a song that I sing to her when we do it, and sometimes she wants to do it herself, which is fine as she looks in the mirror and rubs it in until you can't see it anymore - like sunscreen I tell her. And sometimes she wants to rub some on my face in the same spots while I rub it in on her face, which is fine with me too. So we are pleased with the way it is healing and hopeful that it won't really leave a scar at all. And actually, the one by the side of her mouth you can't see at all when she smiles because it in the crease of her smile. So thanks everyone for asking about her - she is doing great!

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